A Little Splash of Happiness

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” George Sand Grown Ups is one of my absolute favorite films of time. Some may think Adam Sandler’s humor can be a little out there but he has a way of bringing out joy in anyone who watches his work. There wasContinue reading “A Little Splash of Happiness”

Be Greater Than 15

“We don’t aim high enough with our goals. We all have more in us, and we are all capable of aiming higher.” Jesse Itzler When I first watched the film Forrest Gump, and as cliché as it sounds, it became one of my absolute favorites. Of course many would go with the most iconic quoteContinue reading “Be Greater Than 15”

Ignite Your Fiery Dream

“A dreamer is who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” Oscar Wilde Whenever I hear or see the word dream, my first thought would be the “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now Dr.Continue reading “Ignite Your Fiery Dream”

Dear Mama…

“If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” -Stevie Wonder Mama, Ma, Mummy, Mom, Mum, Am’ma, Ohma, Ibu… So many ways of calling the person who we believe is the only one with the ability of gifting us unconditional love. Just by saying the word maContinue reading “Dear Mama…”

The Chicken Caesar Sandwich Effect

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention” – Oscar Wilde Here’s the story of the one Chicken Caesar sandwich that made a significant kindness effect in one night. Funky one liner am I right? Simple, but poignant. Yet, how could a sandwich have the power to bring such an impact?Continue reading “The Chicken Caesar Sandwich Effect”

Charity- Kindness Heals

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” Maya Angelou Charity- A word with such meaning, that undoubtedly holds a special place in my heart. I would have to say it is a term I do not take for granted. I guess it is the empath in meContinue reading “Charity- Kindness Heals”

Tree of Life- The Fruit Bearer of Love and Hope

“You are a failure”, “You deserve nothing”, “Why do you even bother?”, “Just give up!”, “You will never make it”, ”No one loves you”… Wait hold up… Let’s switch this negative train around. “You are not a failure”, “You deserve everything”, “You should put 100% in everything you do”, “Do not ever give up”, “YouContinue reading “Tree of Life- The Fruit Bearer of Love and Hope”

“I am sorry”- Grief’s Truest Colors and Terminology

“I am so sorry for your loss”, “I have no words”, “How can I help?”, “I am here for you”, “It will be okay”, “They are not suffering anymore”, “We will pray for them”, “Sending love and prayers your way”, “You are in my thoughts”, “God loves them more”, “If you need to talk, IContinue reading ““I am sorry”- Grief’s Truest Colors and Terminology”