The Chicken Caesar Sandwich Effect

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention” – Oscar Wilde

Here’s the story of the one Chicken Caesar sandwich that made a significant kindness effect in one night. Funky one liner am I right? Simple, but poignant. Yet, how could a sandwich have the power to bring such an impact? Well my friends, never underestimate the power of giving.

I started a food for charity initiative a couple years back with my mum during the Covid 19 pandemic. It was a simple game plan. We make the food and baked goods to sell, and we take part of the proceeds to help the community. To me, food can help bring change and is one outlet with infectious positivity that is capable in spreading happiness. We knew people needed assistance and figured we had to do something in some way to help. It started off with just two items on the menu- Mac & Cheese and breakfast sandwiches. Long story short and fast forward to today, we have expanded our menu with a variety of items, and most importantly helped the community. A hundred plus individuals across Malaysia have been assisted via the money we raised through Triple T, all thanks to the support of returning customers, as well as the many weekends joining farmers and flea markets to sell our products. Well last weekend was suppose to be one of those routine markets until the events that unfolded on the second night turned the tables for the better.

We were based at the Linc KL for three days. Due to the holidays, foot traffic was quite slow and it brought a sense of disappointment for the majority of its vendors. Nevertheless, we all carried on in hopes to get the sales we needed. On the second day it was the slowest out of all three. It came to a point where we contemplated in closing early. We started packing slowly as the sun began to set, while keeping a few items on the table in hopes a last minute buyer would come. I guess God really does work in mysterious ways, as we were about to experience the most surreal and amazing moment Triple T has ever faced.

Two individuals walked up to our table and asked what kind of cakes we were selling. After a few minutes of explaining and a couple looks at each one of them, they decided to buy two of our baked goods. As they paid their money and we handed over the bag of goodies over, we thanked them for the support as all the vendors were struggling for the night. It was a simple textbook transaction, and they were off to see the rest of the vendors down the row. Minutes later my mum decided we should give them our last Chicken Caesar sandwich as a token of appreciation for stopping by, buying our baked goods, and taking the time to see the rest of the vendors. So I picked up the packed sandwich, walked over to them and said the sandwich was on the house for being so supportive of everyone here. Initially he felt obligated to pay for it, but we were adamant he take it as a thank you from us, and we told them to pay it forward when someone needs a small act of kindness to make their day better. They evidently accepted and continued down the line of vendors. We noticed how they stopped at every booth and made one purchase. I whispered to my mum and mentioned how these two are absolute real ones for supporting local handmade sellers. She smiled and we continued on packing our things to close up for the night.

As we were about to pack the rest of our baked goods, the two individuals stopped by our booth again. One of them proceeded to ask if the baked items on the table were the only ones left. We responded yes. Without hesitation, he said he was buying all of it from us. Took us a minute to process what he said. He smiled and said he felt extremely touched by our kindness and wanted to help us finish up our baked goods for the night. We couldn’t believe it and started thanking him profusely. Not a flinch or second thoughts, but only a wide smile on his face. I have to admit, I had goosebumps the whole time while packing all our cakes for him. As soon as we handed over his purchase, him and his friend went on to give our cakes away to the rest of the vendors that night to say thanks for all their hard work. At this point, all of the vendors somewhat knew each other and have spoken through passing. As soon as they got the baked item, they looked over to us and gave huge smiles. With a few clasping their hand and bowing to say thank you. We were just as in awe as the rest of them. The two of them then came over to us and gave thanks once more. Before they left, we asked what their names were and it was Eric and Divain. We thanked them profusely and applauded them for being such kind souls. In the world we are living in now, the purest of hearts with kind intentions are rare to come by, and so we felt it was right to let them know of how great of a human being they are.

Once Eric and Divain left, the other vendors came by our table and wondered why the sudden purchase and giving of our baked goods. We went on to tell the story of how one little chicken caesar sandwich created all of what transpired. We knew the cakes made everyone’s night as some mentioned they would never imagine eating such desserts, and to receive such a big piece of it was unreal. From being acquaintances that night, it created a budding friendship between all of us. With just one act of kindness complemented by a little help of a sandwich, it created this big ball of happiness. All smiles, laughter, and sharing stories became the atmosphere for that night. The one thing we wished we did was to get a picture with Eric and Divain, but we were so in the moment, that we completely forgot. On our drive home I told my mum the reason we forgot to take the picture is because we were in the present and that is what giving back to the community is all about. It is about being there 100% rather than thinking of the intention that we need to take a picture to prove we did something right for the community. If we do remember to take a picture, then fantastic. If not, it is okay too. Our goal is to help wherever we can, and that’s what we’re going to keep doing.

I know this story is petite, but it holds such power to interpret how one action can bring forth such a significant impact to make a person’s day. I live by the motto where when you do good, good things will come back to you. This is one of them and it instills an even stronger foundation in what I believe in. As an individual you can pull the impossible to help others if you put your heart into it. Can you imagine if you rally a community to have the same goal as you? The change for the better would be absolutely gargantuan. So my advice from this piece is for you to take a moment and listen to one another. You may learn a thing or two and potentially unlock something extraordinary. Be patient, be kind, and never forget, the one act of giving a smile to a person in passing is one of the most precious things anyone can give. It could be the ultimate indicator in changing a person’s day for the better. Stay solid fam. Until the next random act of kindness.

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

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