Farewell Blogpost

Overall throughout the whole semester, I have learned quite a fair bit of skills that I can use in my journalistic work. Journalism is no longer a career that solely relies on pen and paper to get their story out. Multimedia and technology have made their name in the journalism world and it helps to promote news easier to the public.

The first that I take from the class is that I have learned to use various kinds of multimedia platforms to report my stories and share it to the public. It is a skill that I personally think will be beneficial when I graduate and using that in my line of work. Instead of being just a journalist, I can be a photojournalist and report at the same time and I can even publish and send in my stuff to my editor with my phone. I think learning the technological aspect of journalism is something I will definitely keep with me.

The second thing I learned in the class is the ways of doing field work for a story. The different techniques such as being Homer Simpson in the bush where you are in the surroundings and people are not bothered to wonder why you are there. Really helps to bring out the story. It would seem more natural and it would not look like it was staged or fake. I definitely gained a lot of experience with the field work that I have done. It helps to understand what a reporter would do in the field.

The third thing is time management to work on a deadline. Every week there is always a post due for a beat project and you have to work quickly in order to get the work done. Sometimes it is hard to get the information you need and sometimes we have to go beyond our limits to actually get it. I think that will best prepare me for my journalism career.

I think multimedia is important in the journalism world because technology is the new deal and everyone is getting their news online instead of reading print newspaper. So having the skills and ability to work with the internet and different tools on the scene to get the story will really make the work a lot easier and faster. Editors now are asking journalists to become the photographer on the scene as well because it just makes the job easier. All they need to have is a smartphone with a camera and the rest will be easy to do.

I think the main struggles I had this semester was getting to my place for my beat project. Getting the schedule and making sure that the kids are there was a struggle but I pushed through. Sometimes when i was filming and taking pictures the kids would stare at the camera or they shy away. So that was a struggle to get good footage.

My beat project is important because it builds sportsmanship in young kids and that they can focus on sports as a positive thing instead of doing negative things. I think it would help change the mindset of golf being a rich sport so it definitely would help kids who are not privilege to understand that they can do anything.

Final beat project

The thing I changed in my beat project is the photo gallery

1. I changed the photos because it was vertical. Now all of them are horizontal

2. I made a photo gallery instead of putting them in one by one in the article.

3. I put in more than 10 photos.

Photo gallery 

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

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