Visual vs Text

The article “12 Reasons To Use Visual Content“, shows an interactive way to present information through visual instead of texts. It gave us 12 different things that would help in producing good visual content. The article was well written in terms that the writer itself was using good visual content in his presentation to explain how to persuade people to read an article with a lot of visual. It was very interactive and it definitely will keep readers interested to know about it. If the writer used mainly text and a few visual things, it would really be a boring article and people would probably not read most of the work. With visual, people are able to see it and understand it better. Text usually takes awhile for people to process in order to understand the information that is trying to be relayed to them.

My beat project is based on the kids who joined The First Tee and how they have benefited from the teachings that is offered by the organization. For visual content I think it would be great to show percentages of how many kids have benefited from the program. In the article it said, “Visual Content Generates More Views For Your Post”. Pictures and videos will be the best asset to have when trying to gain views on an article. If the video is compelling, people would actually watch it and share it on their personal social media page. My video on Terese Romeo got a few likes from the general public. People not from my Multimedia class actually viewed my blog and said it was good. I think the more pictures of kids playing golf and enjoying themselves, it would definitely boost up my views and people might actually share it on social media.

In order to get my blogposts going and being more well known, Most of my posts should consists more visual and maybe a few sentences just to have a little change in the story. It’ll be great to have visual content of golf because in general people would think it is a boring sport and it does not have anything interesting to read about. I will definitely change some pictures in my beat project and get more compelling photos to make it look better on my blogpost. This will generate more views and it will possibly bring more subscribers, which is the one of my main goals for my blog.

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

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