Mr. And Ms. UT Pageant Storify

University of Tampa had their Mr. and Ms. UT Pageant on Oct 15. 2014. Here are the clips and comments from the event.

Mr. And Ms. UT Pageant

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

One thought on “Mr. And Ms. UT Pageant Storify

  1. You found some really great shots from Student Productions! I especially like the one where they are crowning the king and queen. It was great to add a tweet from a UT student, I didn’t consider that when making my Storify. Great job!


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