Stories That Tells By Itself Through Time.

The article, “Brainstorm-Multimedia Storytelling” shows the different ways journalists are able to portray a story of a unique person that would make the public interested in learning about them. There were 3 sections in the article. It was doing it by radio, the web and on television. Each had its pros and cons and the article helps to break down what should be done and what works for the viewers to actually watched and listen to the whole story.

Terese Romeo was a former gymnast that had a bright career ahead of her. Until she had issues with her wrist. After two surgeries, Terese’s gymnastic career was brought to an end. Since her brother played in The First Tee, she decided to join and found out that she was able to play the sport. It motivated her to get back into a sport and now she is signing with Mercer University, a Division 1 school for sports. Her story would be great to do in terms of how she thought sports was not going to be an option for her until she found The First Tee. The biggest tip I would take is to not rush the whole story. I have talked with her about doing the video and we have decided on what days we can do it and not just focus on one day to get everything done.

I think the more time you spend with that person, the more valuable information you can get and sometimes these are things that they usually don’t tell you if you were to do a normal one day interview. The video of the Seltzer man gave a lot of ideas on what to do with my beat project. I definitely want to incorporate pictures as well in the beat video project as part of my B-Roll. Maybe pictures of her doing gymnastics in the past. Since she had an injury on her wrist, I want to get a close up of her gripping the club. Sort of like a symbolic thing where she is still able to do sports even with that weakness. I want a close up on her swing and even her expressions on her face. She is a very confident person so that tells a lot in a person’s face and body language.

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

2 thoughts on “Stories That Tells By Itself Through Time.

  1. I like what you said about how you really have to get to know the subject of your interview. One interview is definitely not enough. Taking them to a place where they feel comfortable and casual can go a long way and help them open up


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