Internet’s “Viral” Infection Caused by Emotions

Technology has been the new medium for people to tell a story to the public. The article, “These Scientists Studied Why Internet Stories Go Viral” explains how certain aspects of a video, article or picture attracts a lot of views.  Journalists are starting to use this platform to post their articles and current news that is happening in the world. Videos and pictures are the most common things that would go viral on the internet and it would be great to have my video to go viral and spread the word about the great things The First Tee of Tampa Bay is doing.

Emotion is the key to getting more views for a video or article posted on the internet. People want to see the inspiring story of a certain someone and that usually grabs the attention of viewers. My video is basically about an organization that helps kids to achieve their goals not only in golf but also in life. I am hoping to get a story of a kid who has achieved something from the first tee. It definitely will be about going to college and playing college golf. Or I can capture how they have made so many friends and are able to keep these connections till they are all grown up.

The ability to capture those little moments of the kids enjoying themselves with their friends during their practice and just their body movements. The interviews are the main part which can spread great emotion to the viewers. I will dig deep with my interview by asking them certain questions that brings out a different side of their personality and certain things they feel about what The First Tee has done for them. My whole story revolves around golf so it would be great to get a lot of action caught on viewed or captured by photos. These actions will keep the viewers engrossed with what is happening. It could also put in empathy within the audience as they get to feel the emotions that these kids are portraying from their actions and words. If the emotions and actions are shown really well, the video or pictures posted online will get many views and it will go viral if people start sharing it to the public.

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

2 thoughts on “Internet’s “Viral” Infection Caused by Emotions

  1. I think it’s really interesting that emotion plays a vital role in online content going viral or not. In your post, you mentioned finding little moments of the children enjoying playing golf. I think this is a great way to add emotion to your blog content. Can’t wait to see it!


  2. I think your beat has a lot of potential, in terms if evoking emotion into viewers. Including pictures of kids is always a way to drag people in. I think the fact you are showcasing something positive, and that is helping kids will make it even more likeable.


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