Getting Started With a Beat Project

The article “Redefining Multimedia Journalism” explores the different angles multimedia is interpreted by journalists. Journalists have evolved from paper and pencil to the technological era of computers. Many materials such as pictures, videos, audio and old fashioned reporting, can portray the story a journalist would like to share with the public. Taking a look back at the assignments I have done for my first Multimedia Journalism class, we ventured into different ways to get a story out in the open. It was short and precise to the point where it gets the viewers attention and not have them lose interest in the article. I think the article was a good read and the break down of every aspect was clear to the point what the writer had to say.

In order to get a good story, a journalist should look at every possible angle as to how they are going to attract readers. Research is definitely a key point to getting a great story and that requires time and effort. 100 Places to Shop for Stories gave a vast outlook as to where journalists are able to get their information. For my beat project, I rely a lot on the internet to get the basic information I need before setting off to get the bigger detail that will complete my beat project. My beat project leans a lot towards sports therefore sports association sites help me to figure out which is a suitable area I should tackle. Everything related to sports are posted here and it will narrow down my search for a good story. Community posts can be of great help to get dates and times of certain sports events that could be happening near by. This helped me brainstorm a lot on the ideas I wanted to do for my Beat Reporting because I am trying to do something with golf and I was able to find a few things just from these resources.

Looking at the article, “On The Developing Idea”, I was able pick up things that were relevant for me to work on my beat project. In order for a beat project to be good, the journalist itself must have a passion or interest towards the topic. It makes it easier to transition in to make it a good story to read. Information and details are just as important to make a beat story a success. Without good details, there would not be a story. These two are definitely relevant to what I want to do with my beat project. Golf is my passion and I believe I can make a good story out of my findings. After brainstorming, I have gotten a few ideas on my beat project.

My first choice would be to do a story on the Tampa Bay First Tee. I think this organization is great as they give underprivileged kids the chance to do something positive in life and volunteers help to teach them the basics of golf and helping them make friends with other kids in the process.

1.Does it have timeliness?

It does have timeliness because it happens on a weekly basis where these kids get to go out and play golf.

2.Is it of importance (affects many)?

I think it is important because the First Tee is located at a not wealthy area and therefore these kids get the opportunity to do something that some kids don’t get to do.

3.Will it be of general interest to the reader?

I think it would be a general interest because it is helping underprivileged children.

4.Is it relevant?

I think it is relevant because it spreads awareness that people are able to help these children towards a better path.

5.Does it involve the public’s right to know?

I don’t think it involves the public’s right to know because it is their choice if they would want to enroll their children in it.

6.Does involve the public’s need to know?

The public do need to know because it is for a good cause.

7.Will it inform/educate/guide/entertain readers?

It will definitely educate and inform the readers because it is a little different then other organizations and it helps kids get into a sport.

My second option is The University of Tampa Athletics Department volunteering and visiting the Just Elementary in Tampa.

1.Does it have timeliness?

It does because it happens every year and not everyone knows the program so it would be good to tell the story about it.

2.Is it of importance (affects many)?

It is importance because it shows that the school is helping out the community.

3.Will it be of general interest to the reader?

I think it will be a general interest because it involves quite a number of University of Tampa students and the entire athletics department.

4.Is it relevant?

It should be relevant because they are helping the Tampa Bay community.

5.Does it involve the public’s right to know?

I don’t think it does because UT is doing it as a volunteer and people will be able to hear about it either way.

6.Does involve the public’s need to know?

It does not have to be a need for the public to know because it is for a great cause but it could be a need to know for the UT community.

7.Will it inform/educate/guide/entertain readers?

It definitely will because it shows that UT is caring for the Tampa community and the institution cares for the people.

My third option would be about the monthly Indie Market at St. Pete. This indie market showcases local music artists and artists hoping to get their work out there. It is also a community event.

1.Does it have timeliness?

It does have timeliness that it is on a monthly basis with new people coming in and showing their work.

2.Is it of importance (affects many)?

It is of importance because it brings the whole community of Tampa and St. Pete together during that Saturday just to enjoy the items that are offered.

3.Will it be of general interest to the reader?

It would be a general interest to public because it involves people from St. Pete and Tampa.

4.Is it relevant?

It is relevant because it helps local artists find their niche and are able to make a living for themselves with the support of their community.

5.Does it involve the public’s right to know?

It should be the public’s right to know because with the support from locals, these artists are able to bring their name up in the spotlight and be recognized.

6.Does involve the public’s need to know?

It should be publicized to the people so that it is more known and the Tampa Bay community are able to see different talents out there.

7.Will it inform/educate/guide/entertain readers?

I think it would entertain readers and it would definitely attract a bigger crowd if it was more known to the public.

My first option, I hope I am able to get in touch with the First Tee program and the head golf professional that helps with the kids. It would be good to get an interview with a volunteer to see their perspective and maybe even a parent who could tell their part of the story. Having a video and picture of the volunteers interacting with the kids and some action shots of the kids hitting a golf ball would be good to portray the story. Second option would involve talking to the Athletic Department. Cheryl Pittenger is the Assistant Athletic Director who runs the program of the volunteering work. I would be able to get a hold of her and it would be good to talk to an athlete who has volunteered for the program. Getting a view of UT athletes interacting with the children will help show what the intentions are really all about. For my third option, I am looking towards meeting an artist and asking what it feels to be a part of the indie market. Even visitors help to give a good idea of the whole market and getting action shot of people performing, people buying things and just a whole view of the community would make it great to tell the story.

Published by fatinamin511

Trying to change the views and the world from one writing piece at a time. Occasionally love to hit a tiny white ball with a stick across a field when I get the chance, and dabble with a little Fifa on the xbox on my downtime. Lived the American Dream and now embracing the real world back in my home country.

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